(630) 556 3669 [email protected]

About Us


Specializing in Tribology From Our Very Beginning

Over the past 90 years, Falex has slowly evolved into a world renowned expert in tribology and test instruments. With a constant mission to improve testing for our client’s products and R&D, our instruments are recognized worldwide as the gold standard for quality and ASTM certification.

With all our history behind us, we are still striving to serve the everchanging needs of our clientele. Meanwhile, we are always discovering new ways for our expertise in tribology to help in new applications, such as litigation investigations.

Definition of TRIBOLOGY

tri·bol·o·gy noun tri-‘bä-l?-je, tri-:

the science and technology concerned with interacting surfaces in relative motion, including friction, lubrication, wear, and erosion. (ASTM G40)


20 Minutes With Dirk Drees

Rachel Fowler, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief | TLT 20 Minutes February 2022 This CEO of Falex Tribology discusses his career in engineering and research...

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The History of Falex


90 Years and 40+ Testers

Falex currently offers more than 40 testers that are approved and/or specified in well over 150 ASTM corporation standards and other methods around the world.


Expanded Product Line

Falex’s product line expands to include equipment for use with Jet fuel oxidation testing.



Falex opens its first international laboratory in Belgium to offer testing services, sales, and service support for the product line in Europe and the Middle East.




The Faville-LeValley Corporation changes their name to the Falex Corporation and begins offering laboratory testing on a fee-per-use basis for customers who do not have the capital to purchase equipment but require testing services.



Falex acquires the rights to manufacture the Timken Test Machine and test specimens.


Falex Acquires Roxana Machine Works

Falex acquires Roxanna Machine Works, the original manufacturer of the Shell Four-Ball Wear and EP Test Machines. The instruments become popular additions to Falex’s product line.


Falex Acquires Dow Corning

Falex acquires the test equipment division of Dow Corning. Falex offers more new testers for sale and engineering updates and enhancements on Dow’s instrument design, growing Falex’s product offering and customer base.


Falex Tester Approved as a Standardized ASTM Method

The Falex Pin and Vee Block Tester is approved as a standard tribology test instrument in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The machine becomes popular for determining friction and wear characteristics of lubricants and materials.


Falex Tester Developed

The Falex Tester is developed to assist in the sales of cutting fluids and metal working fluids. Eventually, the machine is adapted for bench-top testing of lubricants and materials.


Faville-LeValley Corp. Founded

Frederick A. Faville founds the Faville-LeValley Corp. in Chicago. The company serves many industries including heat transfer, transportation and lubricant manufacturing and sales.